Saturday, 19 April 2014

Puri Jagannatha Temple

Puri :

The greatest attraction of Puri is the World famous temple of Jagannatha. It is called Puri Jagannatha temple. It is known by many names the Puri temple, Jagannatha temple. Puri Jagannatha temple located in Puri, Odisha State, India. Puri Jagannatha Temple is one of the tallest monuments in the entire. Sub continent of India and its height is about 214 feet from the ground level. It stands on a raised platform of stone, measuring about 10 acres.

Puri Jagannatha Temple is bounded by 2 compound walls, the outer one known as Meghanada Pracira and the inner one known as kurma Pracira. The Present Puri Jagannatha Temple was built in the 12th centuray A.D. The temple structure is full of excellent carvings and lovely pieces of sculpture and is a fine specimen of Kalinga style of architecture. It is now maintained by the Archaeological Survey of India. Only orthodox 
Hindus are allowed to enter into the Temple. But the others can see portions of the enclosure from the top of hte Emar Matha Building, located near the east facing gate of the Temple.

Puri Jagannatha Temple is one of the most renowned as well as the biggest temples of Odisha State, India. Puri Jagannatha Temple is dedicated to Lord Jagannatha  (Lord Krishna), Lord of the Univrese. The credit for laying the foundation of the jaganntha temple of Puri goes to Raja Ananta Varman Chodaganga Dev. Puri Jagannatha Temple is located at a distance of 60 km fiom Bhubaneswar, on the coast of Bay of Bengal, and greatly reverd by the devotees following the Vaishnava traditions.

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